Pisa 2019

Some of the most significant obstacles in GIScience are the description, explanation and visualization of time. Cartographic representation of transformation, evolution and historical changes have always been a challenging and stimulating task for cartographers, researchers and scientists.

However, in the last three decades, revolutionary possibilities have been introduced by innovative digital tools that have offered to a large group of scholars – from a vast disciplinary range – the opportunity to explore new empirical solutions and applications for the spatial analysis and cartographic representation of time. Although technological advances have transformed the way we think, talk, and the tools we use, there has been a lack of  critical and epistemological debate on the techniques, methods and theories for the representation of time within the GISciences.

We feel that there is a need for an interdisciplinary exchange concerning the main issues related to GIS applications in the study of historical processes.

Our aim is to join the scattered experiences conducted on multiple scientific fields in a collective dialogue. The objective is to share ideas and insights amongst  researchers involved in the analysis and representation of changes by means of new digital cartographic technologies. It is by means of exchange that we aim to promote a wider awareness of the significant role and impact that these issues have for us and our research.

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 2019 Pisa conference which will be hosted by the Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge of the University of Pisa. The international conference Time in Space: Geohistorical Applications, Methods and Theories in GIScience will be held from 26th-28th June, 2019 and will take place at the Department Building located at Centro Congressi Le Benedettine Piazza, S. Paolo a Ripa D’Arno n. 16, Pisa, 56126. The Congress will be organized around 6 main topics:

a. Historical GIScience
b. GIScience applications for cultural heritage
c. Historical geography, cartography and GIScience
d. Spatial analysis of historical datasets
e. GIScience in humanistic teaching
f. Space–time cartographic representation
g. Time and GIScience: epistemologies, theories and ontologies

All scholars, professionals and researchers and technical experts interested in the topics of the Pisa 2019 Conference are encouraged to present their papers. Authors are requested to submit abstracts using the Conference abstract submission form. For any information request please contact the scientific secretariat of the conference